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The Proud Stag


         Once a stag lived in a forest. He was very proud of his curvy antlers. While wandering in the forest, he came to a pond. He stopped there to drink water in order to quench his thirst. As he bent down, he saw his reflection in the water. "How beautiful my antlers are!" he thought admiring its long curves.

      As the stag was admiring his antlers, he suddenly noticed his legs. " Ohh! Look at my skinny legs. I cannot believe God has given me both beautiful antlers and such ugly legs. ''These ugly legs do not match my beautiful antlers," he thought.

                Just then the stag heard the roar of a lion. When he turned, he saw a lion coming towards him. ''Oh no!,'' screamed the stag and ran as fast as he could. The lion was coming closer to the stag. ''I must get into the densest part of the forest where there are many branches. The lion will not be able to catch me in that part of the forest,'' thought the stag. 

           So, with this thought in mind , the stag ran into an area where there were many bushes and branches. Soon the stag had left the lion far behind. ''Ah, I outsmarted the lion,'' thought the stag proudly. But all of a sudden his antlers got entangled between the branches of the two trees standing close to each other. The stag try a lot to free himself but all in vain. The more he tried to free himself, the more difficult became. ''I had praised my antlers and cursed my legs which had taken me to a safe place,'' wailed the stag. In the meanwhile, the the lion pounced on the stag and killed him. That was the end of the proud stag.         

                                    MoralAll that glitters, is not gold.

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