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The King and The Old Man

Short Learning moral story in english

short learning moral story in english

One day a king decided to meet the people of his kingdom. He wanted to know their needs and to fulfill them. As the king went around, each person had some or the other grievance. Some had no food, some had no clothes, some had no jobs and some had no houses. Some had all worldly goods but no peace of mind.

After hearing all this, the king felt much distressed. The king went to the outskirts of the city. There he saw an old man sowing some seeds in a field. Although it was a hot afternoon, yet the old man was working diligently. He did not even notice the king's presence until the king spoke up.

''Old man, what are doing in the field this hot afternoon? Do you have any compliant from life?'' asked the king. ''Your Majesty, I am sowing mango seeds,'' said the old man, ''And I am content with this.''

''But what's its use? Mango trees will grow years later. Np one knows whether you'll live till that time to taste their fruits.''

''Your Majesty, I have grown up eating fruits from seeds sown by my forefathers. The fruit of these trees will be eaten by my sons and grandsons. If my forefathers had been self-centered then I would not have anything to eat as I am a poor farmer,'' the old man said.

On hearing this, the king learnt a lesson of selfless service from the content old man.

Moral of the Story: Selfless service gives real happiness and contentment.

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