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The Greedy Monkey


A short Learning story in English

Short Learning story in english

    Once in a mango orchard there lived a mischievous monkey. The whole day, it would jump from one tree to another eating the ripe mangoes. 

The orchard-keeper tried to trap the monkey. But every time the monkey escaped.

               One day, the monkey reached the nearby town. It started sneaking into houses and running away with eatables. ''There is more fun in the town than the orchard.

 I will live here,'' It thought. By evening, it had made life difficult for the town people.

                  One day, a juggler came to the town. The people said to him, ''Please help us in getting rid of this mischievous monkey''. The juggler said, ''Do not worry. 

Bring a jar with a narrow neck''. When the jar was brought to him, he put peanuts into it and placed it in a field. 

                  When the monkey spotted the jar, it peeped inside it and saw peanuts. ''Yummy! I should quickly grab the peanuts and run,'' it thought.

 It put its hand inside the jar and grabbed a big handful. But it could not pull out its clenched fist, as the neck of the jar was so narrow. 

If the monkey dropped some peanuts back into the jar, it could have pulled its hand out. 

But it was greedy. So it did not drop some peanuts into the jar.

                   In the meanwhile, the people of the village reached there and caught the monkey. They sold it to a zoo.

Moral of the Story: Greed is a Curse.

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